Sustainable communities

The communities that surround and bring life to the Northern Rivers are multi-cultured, diverse and full of character. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that little changes can make big impacts so we’ve prepared a list of 10 tips to help grow your local community.

EcoSparx aren’t just your local qualified electricians in the Northern Rivers, we also provide an online platform for local communities to learn and grow together.

10 Tips For Sustainable Communities

  1. Save Energy: Less energy means less carbon emissions. It’s simple enough to turn light switches off when you leave the house, turn your heater down to a lower temperature or use the sun’s energy to dry your clothes instead of a drier.

  2. Reusable Products: Single-use products like plastic bottles and plastic bags are harmful to the environment. Make the switch to reusable products and build a community that doesn’t rely on single-use plastics.

  3. Solar Power: Solar systems can be seen as an up-front expense which deters buyers from making the environmental switch to solar. Thankfully there are solar retailers in the Northern Rivers who offer $0 up-front costs to make your transition to clean energy easier.

  4. Recycle: As the world builds and sells more and more new stuff, remind your neighbours and local community to recycle these products into the correct bins. If your community can’t reduce the need for excessive waste products, they can at least recycle correctly.

  5. Grow Local Produce: Limiting the supply chains and logistics of large scale companies can also limit the need for petrol vehicles and electricity which reduces your carbon footprint. There are many ‘How to grow local produce’ videos that are very accessible online.

  6. Donate: Instead of binning or destroying your unused toys, clothes or equipment how about donating them to local op-shops and thrift stores. It reduces the need for new products and also helps the local economy as your hard earned dollars stay in your community.

  7. Save Water: Saving water can be as simple as using less water to wash the dishes, using rainwater to water the plants or when having a shower; turn down the cold water to make the shower hotter instead of turning the hot water tap more.

  8. Walk More: Walking is a great way to reduce your communities environmental impact when compared to driving a petrol/diesel vehicle. It also has great health benefits like increased cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness while reducing your risk of heart disease or stroke.

  9. Cleaning Products: Many cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that eventually run into our oceans, rivers and waterways. Learn what ingredients are harmful to the environment and keep an eye out for eco-cleaning products that are made from natural materials.

  10. Be Kind: It’s not always about what you buy or sell that contributes to a sustainable community. Being kind can change the way your local community operates. Try it today; smile and have a laugh and inspire kindness in your community.


How to reduce your energy bills