Renewable energy

Renewable Energy is energy generated and collected from renewable sources that are naturally replenishable and virtually inexhaustible. This type of energy generation is in contrast to the generation of powerplants through fossil fuels.

Our electricians in Ballina are passionate about introducing clients to renewable solutions that allow them to generate their own power.

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The most common renewable sources used in Australia for energy generation comes from wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower and biomass power stations. There are 24 hydroelectric power stations, 6 biomass combustion power stations, 39 wind farms and 17 solar farms located across New South Wales. 


Last year in 2020 renewable energy was responsible for 27.7% of Australia’s total electricity generation. That’s an increase of 3.7% compared to the year before and the trend is expected to climb as more and more Australia’s make the switch to renewable energy. Wind farms make up 35.9% of all renewable energy generation and small-scale solar follows in second place and contribute 23.5% of all renewable energy generation in Australia.


Why choose Renewable Energy in Australia?


1.     Better for the environment

Fossil fuels are overloading the air with greenhouses gases that damage and negatively effect our planet. It’s vital to the wellbeing of Australian’s to make environmentally friendly and sustainable long-term decisions for our energy generation in order keep the country powered on. 


2.     Better for our health

Renewable sources like wind, solar, hydro and biomass are much more natural and better for our health. They don’t pollute the air which means clean oxygen for Australia to enjoy. Our individual health is directly linked to the prosperity of the Earth.

3.     It’s sustainable and renewable

There are still issues to be solved with the generation of electricity through renewable sources but it’s a better alternative to coal powered facilities. The planet eventually run out of oil and gas but renewable sources are here to stay.

4.     Cost effective

As Australia listens to the demands of the population and more residents turn to renewable energy for the future supply of electricity in Australia, we will see more competition for the generation of energy retailers which will result in cheaper prices for consumers. 

The switch to renewable energy is a choice you can make today. If you’re environmentally focused and passionate about renewable energy contact our team and see if solar is the right decision for you, your home and your family. 

 *Statistics and percentages from Clean Energy Council (CEC) ‘Australian clean energy sector’ 2020 report.


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